| International Expert Lectures are an effective teaching tool in higher education institutions. Students will gain practical experience, real-world circumstances, conditions, and evidence by inviting experts who are relevant to the study program’s focus. They can make the connection between the theoretical or on-campus instruction and the situations they may experience in the field after graduation.
The Medical Electronics Engineering Technology Study Program (TREM), Faculty of Health Technology, Al Insyirah Institute of Health and Technology (IKTA), hosted an international expert lecture on Monday, April 29, 2024. They used an online platform to invite Mr. Ts. Muhammad Noor Idris, a hospital engineer from Salam Group Hospital with 14 years of expertise in Biomedical Engineering Maintenance Services and 10 years of experience in hospital design and medical device planning. Mr. Noor spoke on the role of Bio-Medical Engineering Maintenance Services (BEMS), or “elektromedis” (in Indonesian), in Malaysian Hospital. In general from his lecture, we can conclude that BEMS plays six major roles in Malaysian hospitals: medical device preventive maintenance, repair and troubleshooting, user education and training, software updates, testing and calibration, and inventory management.
Furthermore, 33 TREM students attended the talk. The presentation is quite dynamic, with many comments and questions from the students. M. Ikhwanul Ikhsan, one of the students, wanted to learn more about medical device software upgrades because, in the future, the majority of electromedical activities will be software-related.
Finally, Mr. Noor stated that he was eager to share his experience with the students and hoped that they would be well-prepared to meet the challenges of work in the future. He also urged students to visit him and Salam Hospital in Malaysia, where they can also have possibilities to intern and work there.
This expert lecture is also part of the implementation of IKTA’s international collaboration with the Malaysian Electromedical Association (MEA). Hopefully, there will be plenty more activities to organize in the near future. (Red/Rino)